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SOLAI Pancha Karma Treatment centre

Mooligai SOLAI campus-Chrisitanpet P.O
Vellore 632059 Tamilandu India
Mobile: 9345311956
Email: jamesrajarajan@gmail.com

What is Panchakarma?

Shodana therapy or Purificatory therapy is called Panchakarma.Panchakarma is an unique Ayurvedic Purificatory therapy (Shodana) with Ayurvedic Detoxification and rejuvenation procedures conducted under strict medical guidance and supervision by a Registered Professional Ayurvedic Physician. This treatment is gaining momentum in the present day stressful and polluted environment.

Panchakarma a unique Ayurvedic Detoxification and Rejuvenation therapy which is gaining more importance day by day in this growing stressful and polluted environment.

The word Pancha means Five and karma means actions.


Due to wrong diet, lifestyle, habits, seasonal changes, repressed emotions, stress, pollution in the environment, chemical medication etc accumulate toxins which leads to a variety of diseases and emotional problems.

Diseases which do not respond to medicines or diseases due to too much of toxin accumulation are treated using this unique procedure Panchakarma.

By adopting five basic cleansing procedures - purification, detoxification and rejuvenation is achieved for the body, mind and consciousness.

The five basic Panchakarma Cleansing methods

  • Vamana - Therapeutic emesis, for removing Kapha associated toxins.
  • Virechana - Purgation, for removing Pitta associated toxins.
  • Basti - Enema, mainly for removing Vata associated toxins.
  • Nasya - It is an errhine therapy, which eliminated toxins through the nose. This treatment is beneficial in removing Kapha toxins from the head and neck region.
  • Raktamoksha - Detoxification of the blood.

Panchakarma treatment package duration depends on the problem and its severity.

To uproot and cleanse all toxins several procedures are used like

  • Oleation or Oil therapy
  • Sudation or fomentation techniques.
    • Abhyanga
    • Shiro abhyanga
    • Pada abhyanga
    • Shirodhara,
    • Netra tarpana
    • Netradhara
    • Shastika pinda sweda,
    • Patrapinda sweda
    • Podi kizhi
    • Talapodichil
    • Shiropichu
    • Abhyanga
    • Nabhi basti, Hrid basti, Janu basti, greevabasti, Katibasti
    • Pizhichil-Kayaseka
    • Udwartana
    • Chavutu uzhichil



A whole body massage with specific herbal oils to nourish and revitalize the body tissues (Dhatus) and to allow the toxins to be removed from the cells. This massage is performed symmetrically by therapists for one hour and is usually followed by a medicated fomentation (Sweda). It is one of the most rejuvenating treatments of Ayurveda.


Increases tissue strength, Improves blood circulation, Rejuvenates the whole body, Beautifies the skin, Delays aging, Induces sound sleep, Promotes vitality, Pacifies Vata imbalance, Reduces stress and Removes toxins.

Shiro abhyanga

A soothing massage of the head, neck & shoulder for 15 minutes using warm herbal oils.


Insomnia, Brings sound sleep, Headache, Removes dandruff, Pre-mature graying & hair loss, Abhyangasoothing and relaxing.

Pada abhyanga

A very stimulating massage of the lower legs and the feet for 30 minutes to activate the pressure points.


Abhyanga Alleviates burning of the eyes, Induces deep sleep, and Improves luster of the skin, Smoothens cracked skin of the feet, hyper tension, and Relieves tiredness of the feet.



A continuous stream of medicated warm oil/herbal decoctions/medicated milk/buttermilk is poured onto the forehead for 20 to 40 minutes.


Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Hypertension, Diabetic Neuropathy, Central Nervous System, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Strengthens the sensory organs, Insomnia, Pre-mature graying of the hair & hair loss, Stress.

Netra tarpana

A special treatment in which the eyes are bathed in pure medicated cow's ghee. This procedure takes 15 minutes.


Relieves eye strain, Chronic Conjunctivitis, Dry Eye Syndrome, Eye diseases due to aggravation of Vata and Pitta toxins, Pain and burning sensation in the eyes.


It is a special cleansing technique of pouring herbal decoctions in a continuous stream over the eyes for 20 minutes.


A soothing technique to relax strained eyes, Cooling and refreshing, Delays cataract formation Helps in treating chronic Conjunctivitis, Improves eye sight, Makes the eyes sparkle.

Shastika pinda sweda

A highly effective rejuvenation technique using a special type of rice that is cooked, tied into boluses and dipped into an herbal decoction and warm milk, then skillfully massaged simultaneously by therapists all over the body for one hour after the Abhyanga.


Anti-aging & rejuvenating, Strengthens tissues, Body ache, Emaciation, Debility, Monoplegia, and Osteo Arthritis.

Abhyanga Abhyanga

Patrapinda sweda

A highly rejuvenating treatment in which fresh plants are fried with several other herbal ingredients and tied into boluses, dipped into warm medicated oil and simultaneously massaged by therapists all over the body for one hour, it is applied after Abhyanga.


Chronic back pain, Loss of function of a part or whole limb, Joint stiffness and swellings, Muscular pain, Sciatica, Spondylosis, Sprains and cramps. Anti-aging & rejuvenating.

Podi kizhi

A highly effective treatment in which powders of different herbs are tied into boluses, dipped into warm medicated oil and simultaneously massaged by therapists all over the body for one hour, it is applied after Abhyanga.


Abhyanga Chronic back pain, Loss of function of a part or whole limb, Joint stiffness and swellings, Muscular pain, Sciatica, Spondylosis, Sprains and cramps


An herbal paste is applied to the entire head for 45 minutes


Headache, Depression, Hyper active conditions, burning sensation in the eyes, Insomnia, Skin disorders.


Medicated oil is applied to the head for 45 minutes in a special manner


Facial palsy, Headache, Insomnia, Improves memory, Dermatitis of the scalp, Dandruff, neurological disorders, Paralysis, Skin disorders.

Nabhi basti


This Basti is applied to the umbilical region. It acts on the solar plexus and balances the digestive fire.


Indigestion, Constipation.

Hrid Basti

This procedure is applied over the heart for 20 minutes using warm medicated oils or herbal decoctions.


Strengthening of the heart, Relieves deep seated anger and sadness, Cardio Myopathy.


Janu Basti

In this treatment the knee is bathed in warm medicated oils or herbal decoctions, taking 20 to 30 minutes. It promotes the strength of the knee joint by improving the circulation


Pain of knee joint, Osteo Arthritis of the knee joint.

Greeva Basti

Bathing the back of the neck using warm medicated oil or herbal decoction for 20 to 30 minutes


Cervical Spondylosis, Chronic pain in the neck region, Compression fractures

Kati Basti


A special technique aimed at providing relief to the lower back using warm medicated oils or herbal decoctions when bathing the lower back for 20 to 30 minutes. Duration: 30 minutes - 2 therapists


Chronic and acute backaches, Prolapsed disc, Lumbar Spondylosis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica


Medicated oil/medicated milk is poured onto the body in continuous streams while being gently massaged by four therapists for one hour. It is extremely soothing and relaxing. It acts as a free radical scavenger, toning, strengthening and deeply rejuvenating the whole body. It is given after Abhyanga.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anti-aging & rejuvenating Alleviates the burning sensation in the body, Ensures better circulation, Promotes healing of fractures.



This is a specialized herbal treatment for weight reduction. An herbal paste or powder is applied all over the body and deeply massaged with specific movements by two therapists for one hour.


Toning the skin & muscle after child birth or weight loss, Obesity, Weight reduction, Imparts good complexion to the skin Revitalizes the sense of touch, Removes Kapha toxins from the body.


This is a very unique whole body massage using feet instead of hands. It is performed by two therapists for one hour.


Removes deep seated pain in the joints and bones, Deeply relaxing, Helps in removing toxins from deeper tissues, Removes excess of fat.